2005-11-12, Boston, MA. The following notes and images were tweets & images I posted during our Pepperdine Face-2-Face sessions:

Way Better Than Airline Food

It may not look like much, but to this traveller it was a wonderful gesture of love. Besides braving traffic around LAX (this place is going to be nuts during Thanksgiving), my sister packed a backpack safe/airline safe steak dinner (no knives require). Oh my god, after standing in the not-so-easy and definitely not-so-automatic check-in line for over 40-minutes, I sat at the gate waiting for my flight and really really enjoyed this wonderful surprise. I’m saving some it for the flight (over-night red-eye to Boston). Yum. I’m one lucky dude.

The plan had been to get here a couple days early so that I could spend one day exploring the city and surrounding environs. Unfortunately a couple things got forgotten in my plan. First was that I probably wasn’t (and didn’t) get any sleep on the red-eye from LA to Boston, thus when I checked in to my room (I actually got my room a little after 9:30 am… I thought I’d have to wait until later…) I had breakfast and then found the bed overwhelmingly inviting. So much for day one. Actually I did get up early enough in the afternoon to have taken off, but felt the need to read some of the books that I neglected to read while I wasn’t sleep on the overnight flight from LA. So, here I sit the first real day of our Face-to-Face (F2F) Pepperdine get together and I feel like I need to spend the day in my room catching up on all the reading and writing that didn’t get done before I got here. Damn. Well, I did have a good night last night trying to read bits of one of my book (“Flawed Advice and the Management Trap”) at a sports bar across the street called “Characters” while having a few “Cambridge Ambers” and watching the Colts clobber the Patriots on Monday Night Football. Oh well, back to the grindstone (damn… I’m payin’ an awful lot of money to do what I could have done in Long Beach… sit on my ass and NOT read!). Ugh. JBB (p.s., I guess one good thing about all of this is that I’m feeling compelled to write more in this journal, but then that is probably a result of having no one to really talk to and to share this experience with…).

Cambridge Foliage in the Late Fall

2005-11-08 Cambridge Foliage panorama
2005-11-08 Cambridge Foliage panorama

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