2007-01-07 Through 2007-01-10 Travels & Around Town

2007-01-07. Flying in from Southern California… I’m amazed that I flew, when my more normal mode of transportation would have been to drive… So, last time I was in San Francisco for a Macworld was 2000, when I was fortunate enough to get invited to attend with my school district, ABCUSD, when we were in the process of implementing a huge Magnet program at several schools in the district bringing a lot of new Apple computers into our schools and classrooms. Jobs’ announced the coming Mac OS X at the 2000 Macworld. This 2007 Macworld was even more notable with the introduction of iPhone. When not standing in line for a keynote, I got a chance to walk around the city and enjoy the quaint little hotel that I stayed at.

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