astronaut salute

2008-11-17, Kennedy Space Center FL. I witnessed my very first space shuttle launch at the Kennedy Space Center Astronaut Hall of Fame complex. This was an ISS assembly flight ULF2: MPLM Leonardo, crew rotation. Above is summary video of our tour of the complex with my Full Sail University co-worker, Dr. Dan Siegel.

One of the first things that I knew that I wanted to do when I moved to Florida was to attend the launch of a space shuttle. I really should have gotten my feet wet in this area back during the summer before my course started but it just didn’t happen. Then I read in ArsTechnica that there were only 10 more shuttle missions left before NASA would end the program on May 31, 2010. I definitely needed to make the pilgrimage to the Kennedy Space Center. Of course if I was going to make the trip I’m going to do more than just show up and watch the launch, thus the Astronaut Hall of Fame Tour (Kennedy Space Center tours are closed on launch days).

Below is a video of the activities on the lawn outside the complex prior to the launch. Some folks watch a NASA documentary and fall asleep with five-seconds of the first acronym. My buddy Dan is one of those guys. We’d just started the Astronaut Hall of Fame tour and as much as he wanted to be there for the launch the first video we watched made him groan. I had no idea how we were going to do with the five-hour wait for the launch itself. Here’s my twitter rendition of the wait:

  • Camped out @ Astronaut Hall of Fame waiting 4 Endeavor launch. Next time need lawn chairs. Picnic b4 launch 4:04 PM Nov 14th from Twinkle
  • Shuttle video play-by-play on big screen stuttered, then they switched 2 tape. Hope my twittering didn’t tax the network 4:07 PM Nov 14th from Twinkle
  • Next time, besides lawn chairs, need backpack full of food & drink, also need to bring my Nintendo DS. Or maybe a book. Nah, definitely my DS 4:14 PM Nov 14th from Twinkle
  • Wow, that happened way 2 fast. Leaving the parking area is going 2 take much longer than Endeavor’s 1st orbit. Video 2 follow. 08:20 PM November 14, 2008 from Twinkle

The third video is of the launch that took place just after sunset. Below the videos are images that I capture over the course of the afternoon and evening. Enjoy.

2008-11-14 Waiting For the Launch

2008-11-14 Launch of STS126 Endeavor

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