“Maybe It’s Time” & “Everybody is a Star”

2019-07-08 – NINJA KARAOKE – LAS VEGAS – Joe Bustillos performing “Maybe It’s Time” and “Everybody is a Star” with the house band jumping on both songs.

There was also a touching spoken word performance by a young woman called Destiny

“Lean on me”

2019-06-02 SUNDAY ASSEMBLY BAND – LAS VEGAS. I recently did this song at Ninja Karaoke Open Mic on my birthday. I prefer this version. Lots of room for improvement… Enjoy.


2019-03-18 NINJA KARAOKE – LAS VEGAS. My Cover of “Lovesong” by the Cure and Adele at Ninja Karaoke Open Mic on 2019-03-18. The line to sign up was out the door, but I was able to go early, spot number four and do my thing early in the evening. Enjoy.

“Everybody is a Star” and “Natalie”

2018-11-26 NINJA KARAOKE – LAS VEGAS. Same venue, new open mic name, added a song… I said that I’d be back… only way to get better is to keep doing. Got plenty of room for improvement. Enjoy.


2018-10-29. HUMAN EXPERIENCE LV (AT NINJA KARAOKE) – LAS VEGAS. Open Mic Night and 10-year anniversary show where I performed “Natalie.” I really need to do these things (and post them) more often. camera by my friend, Haley Sawtelle.

Creative Commons License

JoeBustillos.com (website) by Joseph Bruce Bustillos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License