2023-12-23 1:30PM HST. Haleakala Visitor Center was just before reaching the Summit/Observatory. Dano had just checked out the national park radio message and it noted that there were no bathroom facilities at the summit, so I suggested stopping at the Visitor Center, specifically for that reason (old man stuff…). But we didn’t just stop there and then get back into the car to drive up the last couple miles. There was a trail past the visitor center for another view of the crater, so up we walked. 

It wasn’t a very long walk, but it was very steep. Let’s just say that they cut steps into the trail that were easily 1.5 feet each step. Previous walks along the beach, for example, the terrain was often uneven and finding footing was challenging. This was just straight up knee and leg work. I stopped to take a lot of pictures… and catch my breath. Oh yeah, we were traveling at elevation too (approaching 9,000 feet). In a couple shots you’ll see that I pushed my hat back to wipe my brow or something. Just think, a little over nine-years ago I lost the ability to support my weight and walk at all, much less amble up stairs made for giants. I think I clocked over 2,500 steps for that portion of the day’s total of 4,631 steps. Fun times.

Images captured by Dano

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