2023-12-25 O’Hanlon Residence. Christmas Day began with food, Maui Mimosas and gift opening. Oh yeah, and more football (there’s a two-hour difference between Pacific Time and Hawaii Time, so the games are on much earlier, that was an adjustment). I gifted my hosts and new friends with bottles adult beverages of their preference (guided by the ever helpful Marie Stacy), and I received many t-shirts with Maui insignia/logos/etc. So much fun. I think we ended the night by watching White Christmas on TV. We watched a lot of TV over the vacation (more on that in a following post)

After the afternoon walk and food cooking and all-day-drinking we enjoyed Christmas dinner. (We might have watched White Christmas after Christmas dinner… my memory is not entirely sure about this…). Oh boy. 


Click Here to Return To: 2023 Hawaiian Xmas Trip ||| Day 13: Xmas Day Kapalua Golf Course ||| Day 12: Xmas Eve with Family & Friends ||| Travels

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