2023-12-20. The title says it, the weather was threatening when we got out of the car and I needed to decide whether to wear the sweatshirt I’d brought or not. I left the sweatshirt in the car. The weather was drizzly and the wind was blowing but it wasn’t a big down pour like the first walk I took on my first afternoon in Napili. But it was consistent and picked up enough that after the dog did his business we started walking back to the car. Joyce brought a small red umbrella, that wasn’t big enough to provide her shelter. The one good thing about leaving the sweatshirt in the car is that I had something dry to put on after our walk for our drive back home. Yay?! I remember the quote, there’s no such thing as bad weather, only poorly planned clothing. Right. Today I did 4,713 steps. 

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