2023-12-15 2:00AM. Friday in Hawaii… Actually, I’m still up from Thursday night watching “Julia” on Max, like I need another series to be binging. I ended up watching all episodes except the last one… ugh.

2023-12-15 11AM. I started doing some image editing when Joyce invited me on a walk along the shore, a walk that would be more walking and less climbing than we did on the first couple walks. So, off we went. It was very windy, occasionally drizzly, very sunny and absolutely beautiful. 

Today we ended up walking 6.7 miles (16,607 steps). I’ve been here 3 1/2 days and have walked every day. Some days, like yesterday’s errands, it was a lot less straight out walking/hiking, but definitely not spending all of my time on my butt. That’s a good thing. Tonight’s meal was spaghetti with huge meatballs. I earned it. 

Tech Update: I’m managing with iPad and iPhone, but it’s been a stretch not having two large monitors to work with or a “real” file system. Many of the images are “live” images because there’s such a dynamic feel to the wind blowing or the waves or just humans smiling for a picture. I’m using an app called Motion Stills to take the live images and export it as a GIF that I can then post without the need of a video player. Motion Still also will make a longer GIF/video of several live images… So that works, but I usually have to use my iPhone as a second screen for the names of things or other data. I’ve run my iPad until the battery was less than 10% several times, so I need to pay attention to that a bit better. I also deleted the Medium.app and am going to use the web-page because the app was fumbling my attempts at copying my articles into my Medium account. 

At the moment I’m feeling very limited using just the iPad (with iPhone as a second screen). If I were to continue to travel after this trip as a regular thing, I’m really leaning into getting another MacBook… maybe 14” MacBook Air… Before this trip, I had been seriously thinking that I needed a iPad Mini as a kind of reporters digital notebook primarily for “around town writing.” But I was waiting because Apple hasn’t updated the processor/etc. for a long time. Now I don’t know what to do. I don’t have to do anything today, so I’ll wait. 


Click Here to Return To: 2023 Hawaiian Xmas Trip ||| Day 5: Pineapple Hill ||| Day 2: Running Errands ||| Travels

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