I really got behind on my daily posting after the trip up the mountain to the observatory (excuses, excuses). So, to simplify things I’m going to post the last portion of this trip centered around the various activities, in this case, the food that we enjoyed during my visit. 

In a previous post  I already noted my enjoyment of these two places:

Dollie’s Pub & Cafe:

2023-12-13 dinner with O’Hanlons at Dollie’s Pub and Cafe

Sam Sato’s:

2023-12-19 Sam Sato’s meal

2023-12-23. Tiffany’s Restaurant & Bar. When we last left our heroes they were returning from their hiking at Haleakala Mountain and Observatory, that can leave a voyager quite hungry. Fortunately there were plenty of choices on the way back to Napili. Joyce and Dano selected a place that they had always wanted to eat at, Tiffany’s Restaurant & Bar in Wailuku. It’s not in the best part of town and Joyce & Dano thought that it was a bit of a dive bar. I’ve frequented a few dive bars and Tiffany’s was not a dive bar. Their assessment was based on the previous owners, but the current establishment was taken over by Sheldon and Janice Simeon, who also own Tin Roof  in Kahului. Chef Sheldon Simeon has twice competed and been a finalist in Top Chef on the Bravo channel and  released a cookbook, Cook Real Hawai’i . I should have taken pictures before we started eating… I didn’t. It. Was. So. Good!

2023-12-29 – Maui Brewing. Following our adventure walking in the water, we headed for Maui Brewing. It’s perfect that this trip would end with a visit to a brewery, pizza, veggies and lots of family stories. 

While I’ve noted the four favorite eateries we visited, every night has been an adventure in dining with Dano serving up wonderful meals most of the other nights with Tony, Nathan and Marie chipping in the smoker and pulled pork. Y’all spoiled me. Damn.

Favorites Eats Part 2:

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