2024-05-20 BlueHost storage usage (39.39)

Since last we checked in I have been working very hard editing my academic portfolio and uploading PDF of my college work to my Archive.ORG account and deleting them from my WordPress media library. When I first started this “downsizing project” I have approximately  89GB of media stored on my WordPress servers and I immediately started relocating images and videos from my WordPress media library to my SmugMug account. That got me down from 89GBs to a little less than 43GBs. But when I talked to the service rep he noted that I needed to get below 40GBs to qualify of the less expensive storage plan (which was still $90 more expensive than last year!). So, like I said, I’ve gotten down to less than 40GBs as of last night. Of the eight school portfolios that I have, I’ve worked through six, and probably the six that used the more PDF storage space. So I have two more schools to work though, then the plan is to work through every post to make sure it eliminate any duplicates in my media library. Unfortunately, in the early days, I wasn’t so careful about posting duplicate images or in bothering to name the files anything that would be helpful later on. And the media library had no “duplicate detection” function and stores images based on when they were posted, making it hard to reuse images, etc. So, I need to work on that. And I’m going to consolidate my two separate blogs into one and that should cut down on some of the duplicate storage usage. So, small victories. I do need to get into the habit of only posting the “featured image” on the WordPress server, and save or post everything else at SmugMug or Giphy or YouTube… I need to bring the storage numbers down closer to 20GBs! Ugh. I also need to run a backup so that I don’t lose all of this work if and when it all goes south. Yay, technology! 🤖🤖😎

Blogguer deux by Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com
Blogguer deux by Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com

Tags: archive.org, blogging, cutting the fat, daily random shit, expensive tech hobbies

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JoeBustillos.com (website) by Joseph Bruce Bustillos is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License