LMU B.A.Religious Studies – EN110: Language & Style – Essay #7 – Fall 1976

Notes and essays from my first college English course, much here is cringe-worthy. At the same time, I find it interesting where my mind would wander to when I was given deadlines. After getting positive responses from my professor, this was my first experience writing for an audience (of one). Enjoy (2023-11-16)

Simply Simple

by Joe Bustillos

EN110 B – Essay #7
December 1, 1976

Thesis Statement; Simplicity is a welcome sight after the storm of complexity has past.

lighthouse during sunset
Photo by Ray Bilcliff on Pexels.com

After the turbulent demands of papers and essays had subsided and the chaotic festivities of the Thanksgiving ritual had come to a close, a calming pause echoed in my every breath. As I stepped out into the radiant warmth of the morning sun my senses were touched by the placid environment which lay before me. I was walking out toward Sacred Heart Chapel with my mind bent on repentant thoughts. And as I thought of my own imperfections and shortcomings the beauty and simplicity of the one with whom I was soon to seek reconciliation became ever-present.

The calming sense of this uncluttered mid-morning took me to another morning in my not-so-distant past. It was a morning last year, when I was visiting a friend here at Loyola. The scenery was very much the same… long morning shadows and crisp green lawns topped with glass-like beads of dew. But as I thought about that experience last year a child-like smile spread over my face. The reason for that morning was so dear to me because I had spent a majority of my time doing something I loved to do: I read the Word.

Having none of the responsibilities that I now shoulder, I had poured over those “love letters” from my Father. Satisfaction and the awe of love were the rewards of my devotion. In reliving this experience I realized how long it had been since I had felt that deep love.

The simple actions of reading the Bible and rendering praise to God had brought such deep fulfillment that, as I climbed the steps outside the church, I vowed to recommit my time to those simple devotions. I neared the large wooden door to the confessional and as I knocked I heard a voice from with in say, to my satisfaction, “Come in.”

EN110 B essay #7 Simply simple grade 1976
EN110 B essay #7 Simply simple grade 1976

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