LMU B.A.Religious Studies – EN110: Language & Style – Essay #1 – Fall 1976

Notes and essays from my first college English course, much here is cringe-worthy. At the same time, I find it interesting where my mind would wander to when I was given deadlines. After getting positive responses from my professor, this was my first experience writing for an audience (of one). Enjoy (2023-11-16)

Overcoming Our Day to Day Trials

By Joe Bustillos

EN110B – Essay #1
September 17, 1976

Thesis Statement: Being a Christian makes the day to day trials that we experience easier to face.

group of diverse friends sitting in modern cafe
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya on Pexels.com

There is a story in the Old Testament about a young man named Joseph, Now it seems that Joseph was very graciously blessed with wisdom and understanding and strength of character. However, Joseph was also cursed with ten Jealous brothers that would have killed him had they the chance. As the story goes, rather than kill him, they settled for selling him into slavery, Joseph’s life took a course similar to that of a rollercoaster: from favored son to common household slave, from overseer of an Egyptian officer’s household to being imprisoned on a false accusation, from overseer of the prison to forgotten inmate, Finally at the age of thirty, Joseph reached a position of authority, second in command in all of Egypt.

Seven years later, during a fierce famine, Joseph’s brothers, unknowingly, came to him for food. Being in a position to administer vengeance Joseph, rather, forgave them and met their needs. How does one put up with all the injustices of life as Joseph did, and also learn to forgive the ones that brought him such pain? I feel that it had something to do with his faith in God as a provider and as savior.

When I first came to this university, for Orientation Week, I came with the understanding that food would be provided for the entire week. Well, one calm Thursday morning while in line to get into the Terrace room, word reached me that one needs “cold cash” if one desires a warm meal. While reaching into my pocket in search of the necessary cash, I began to wonder what I was going to do until Sunday for food. Thoughts of twenty-four hour fasts and of strict diets consisting of “Crunchola” bars and water entered my mind. I entertained these thoughts for only a moment, because I believe that being a Christian gives one the strength to overcome our day to day trials.

By the afternoon of the second day my thesis statement seemed to lose its conviction. But as hope became nothing more than another four-lettered word, the tables turned, I beheld my long lost sister (senior here at LMU) coming to me with something in her arms. Could it be? 0 Salvation! Rations! She brought me food! I trusted that the Lord would supply my every need (and this was a real need), and even as my faith began to waiver He made His word good. For the next week and a half I enjoyed the sweet fruits of the earth.

This brings us back to Joseph of the Old Testament, Who said something quite interesting when his brothers pleaded for forgiveness for the deeds they’d done to him. He said:

Have no fear; for am I in God’s place? True enough you planned evil against me, but God planned in for good, to bring about what today is fact, the keeping alive of much people. So, have no fear; I will take care of you and you’re little ones. (Gen.50;20 ,2Ia)

Although I’ve never gone to prison nor saved an entire nation, yet I share this same hope with my Old Testament friend. That is, no matter what may happen to us: going without food, getting caught in the rain with groceries, or getting locked in the second- story study room of Rosecrans, that there is a purpose for it happening.

I can’t agree with those who say that we’re on a spinning top thats running aimlessly throughout the universe. I know in my heart that this life and this universe was all preconcieved and thought of by God, And that having a relationship with Him through his son Jesus has made this life all that much more enjoyable.

…We know that for those that who love Him, for those called in agreement with his purpose, God make all things work together for good. (Romans8:28)

EN110 B essay #1 Overcoming our day to day trials grade 1976
EN110 B essay #1 Overcoming our day to day trials grade 1976

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