"The Last Supper" by Warner Sallman, photo by Eric Crowley
“The Last Supper” by Warner Sallman, photo by Eric Crowley

Matt. 12:46-50 – Jesus’ Real Family
When I read this verse I’m reminded of the exchange at the end of chapter 13 when his hometown crowd questioned where Jesus got this wisdom, to which Jesus conceded:

“Only in his hometown and in his own house is a prophet without honor.” (Matt 13:35)

How difficult is it for those closest to us to see the good that God is doing in our lives and/or to not try to “knock us down to size” when we’re walking in the power of God? There is a provincial “can’t do better than me” mentality about our closest relationships. And Jesus had the exact same experience.

But these verses are not so much about the restrictions others might put on us, as much as the relationship we have with the Father & Son when we do his will. The blessings and authority of Jesus are with those who do the will of his Father and we are counting as siblings in this adoptive family. JBB 7/29/2004