Tons to do… so it only makes sense that I spend part of today moving my livejournal blog to my own domain… It’s funny that I find myself almost impossibly busy, but because of what I feel is a lack of balance, I don’t know that I’m accomplishing much more than I ever have before. I mean, I’ve been “journaling” for years, but it seems that I’m really “posting” far less than I was even last year, for example. Granted, I think I’m doing more about dealing with the difficulties than I was last year, and that alone might be what is swallowing all of my available time. I remember an old “Cathy” cartoon where she was trying to hook up with some cutie at on the stationary bikes at the gym and over the course of the strip he seemed to miss understand her attention as a little competition and just started peddling faster. The last panel she mused to herself, “modern dating… peddling even harder, but still getting no where.” Hopefully my efforts won’t equate to working harder, but still not getting anything done. Ack. JBB