kidsglobe Staff meetings are such great fodder for journal rants. So today’s “why are our students are not scoring high on standard tests” talk was about the relationship between background knowledge and achieve. Today’s gem was that background knowledge (life experiences and opportunities) trumps innate intelligence. Ya think? The point, of course, was that teachers can turn around low achieving students by adding to or assisting in the background knowledge area. We’re not stuck if we have a student who is not as bright as another.

One thing I learned my first years as a classroom teacher was that, especially with ethnic students, that students are surprised when the teacher validates or taps into students’ background experience. Alas, it would seem that part of the educational process involves trivializing or discounting students’ lives By the time I interacted with my 6th grade students, they were shocked that I knew something about South Park and that allowed me access to their lives. Too bad many teachers teach as if there is no universe beyond their classroom doors.

One good thing that’s being discussed is the importance of subjects being covered in greater depth and with an emphasis on starting or connecting with students’ prior knowledge. Depth, what a concept… Experiences? No way. JBB