What is it about a computer that turns old people into infantile morons? – Steve Dallas from Bloom County

Not that my co-worker is an “old person,” but I spent the first 45-minutes of today trying to get her PC to “talk” to her projector. Her husband had already spent the previous day (yes, the whole day!) trying to get the PC to run both the LCD monitor and projector but could only get one or the other. When I pulled up the PC’s screen/monitor properties menu it showed both video connectors and asked me if I wanted to extend my desktop to the second monitor. When I clicked either “apply” or “OK” it would churn away and then go back to the screen as if I hadn’t clicked either the “apply” or “OK” button. Then several clicks later it’d ask again if I wanted to extend my desktop to the second monitor. Ack. I told my co-worker to report the problem to district IT. Let them deal with it. jbb


  • South Park Mac vs. PC posted by South Park Mac vs. PC (2007-04-30), https://youtu.be/Id_kGL3M5Cg?si=WGC7B61OZ5klegBv