Finally finished the last 16-overdue-yearbook pages and successfully uploaded them to the vendor. That took the whole friggin’ day. After getting several “proxy error” messages, possibly connected with my DSL account changes, I decided to go to the coffee shop in my local Borders and use my OLPC-provided T-mobile account to upload the pages. After the upload I uploaded the agendas and projects for my classes on Tuesday and then decided to celebrate finishing the first “40” by going to the movies. I kind’a wanted to go see “Cloverfield” again, to catch things that I might have missed the first time, but decided that “Rambo” would be a better choice. Holy shit, that movie was graphic and bloody. I knew that going in, having watched the review on the TRS video podcast, which only added to my sense of anticipation. Good Lord, knowing that it was going to be bloody and then watching it … Yikes. So, here I am, an hour later, wide awake, still pumped from the movie. Damn.

That movie was so over-the-top. Well, one way to bring it back to some sense of reality is … to ponder on how we humans try to become more than we seem to be, even if it’s only through computer gaming. I don’t why I always seem to come back to that. I have a hard enough time giving myself permission to watch a damn movie every once in a great moon, much less devote any real time to playing games online or on the computer. But there’s something about the whole “community” aspect of today’s games (which has been definitely missing in my gaming and IRL experience) that continues to attract me. Go figure. JBB

Music/Podcasts: NPR: 02-05-2008 Fresh Air from the album “NPR: Fresh Air” by NPR

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• so “Rambo” is probably not the movie 2 see if you want 2 leave the theater relaxed; need 2 go workout & hope no sniper shoots my head off #

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