image by Ballistik Coffee Boy (cc)(by:) 2008

image by Ballistik Coffee Boy (cc)(by:) 2008

I was listening to an excellent interview of one of the creators of Scrivener, a word processing app, by Your Mac Life’s Shawn King and became very enthusiastic about using a word processing app that’s specifically designed for longer text like a thesis, dissertation or novel. I’ve been looking for the word processing promised land since I first started working with micro computers in the early 80s. Most, if not all, early word processing apps were designed for office memos and have pretty much struck to that model, at least that was my experience beginning with Word Star to Word Perfect to MS Word. When I switched to the mac full-time I was delighted to find that there were some creative outline/notetaking apps that really addressed my need to design and compose longer threads of creativity. I eventually settled on Notebook from Circus Ponies. I used it to design my media course for Full Sail and couldn’t imagine managing the continuous flow of course changes and updates without it. I laugh when I think that I used to use sticky-notes for information that didn’t fit into full blown documents. Yikes. Notebook is so much better than using just a file and folder cluttered desktop system and I’ve made at least one convert of the EMDT staff. Anyway, after listening to Keith Blount from Scrivener I became curious if anyone else has gone on a similar journey, looking for the perfect WP app. Shawn King’s interview follows immediate. After listening to the interview please take the poll listed below and share your thoughts on alternative WP apps.

Shawn King, Your Mac Life, Interviews Keith Blount from Scrivener, July 22, 2009

<br /> <a href=”” mce_href=””>Which non-Office word processing app do you use?</a><span style=”font-size:9px;” mce_style=”font-size:9px;” align=”right” hspace=”4″ vspace=”4″>(<a href=”” mce_href=””>opinion</a>)</span><br />

Image: Apple III Keyboard Refinements by Ballistik Coffee Boy, retrieved 8/01/2009 – (cc)(by:) 2008

mp3: Shawn King, Your Mac Life, Interviews Keith Blount from Scrivener, July 22, 2009, retrieved 8/01/2009

APP Highlight:
Scrivener by Literature & Latte
Notebook by Circus Ponies