
I haven’t been blogging for months… which would be obvious to anyone paying attention. So imagine my frustration because I decided as my first project to begin working on creating a photography blog site and after almost a week of work am still trying to figure out why nothing works. I’d been thinking about this for some time and looked at WordPress themes months and months ago. Then my illness forced me to pull back from anything not directly related to getting better and getting my job done. I’d also been experimenting with using the journal feature built into iPhoto for iPad, but after building a couple web pages I didn’t like that the program acted like a page-layout program with none of the actual controls needed to make things look great. So, that’s when I went back to looking WordPress themes and ended up purchasing a photography theme called The Gallery from GoodLayers. Yeah, I’m a little rusty on my working with WordPress and HTML, etc., but this shit has been an uphill battle from day one.

Maybe this is like the transition I made when I went from tinkering with Windows boxes to being full-time Mac in that I seem to have tired of the constant work needed to get things working so that you can do the thing that you originally intended to do with the technology. What I mean is that I started using computers in the early 1980s so that I could write, but computers back then required a lot of hand holding and constant tweaking. And I guess I had the energy for it, so I welcomed the challenge of keeping my Kaypro computer and later my myriad collection of Windows boxes running so that I could eventually do some writing. Then in 2008, when I moved to Florida I left my last PC behind and never really looked back. I’m feeling that same way about writing and blogging now. I don’t want to have to run a website or in my case websites and have to figure out why the damn photos aren’t showing up on the splash screen or why my tweets aren’t showing up either. I just want to write and tell my digital story. I want to post beautiful images that grab the viewer. But right now I’m getting a page of broken-link icons that load so slowly that I’m also getting server time-out error pages. Oh, and the new layout doesn’t play nicely on my iPad. Awesome. Looks like I’m going to have to give SquareSpace another look. I hope that version 6 delivers… ’cause I am done with this shit (that I also happen to pay good money to run… ack). Ack.

Server Time Out

Server Time Out