2018-09-04 STEAMLab wk04 WeDo kits
2018-09-04 STEAMLab wk04 WeDo kits

Teacher Appreciation Stats

In honor of Teacher Appreciation week, here are my teaching stats.

👩🏻‍🏫 25 years teaching

🏫 7 schools – 1 university

🗺 3 school districts

🍎 8 classrooms

🔬 Grades/Subjects: 6th grade, 6 Social Studies, Magnet schools tech coordinator, K-6 Video Journalism, K-8 Computer Lab, 7-8 Math/Algebra, 7-8 (online) Journalism, 7-8 Yearbook, Media Asset Creation (MA), Emerging Technologies (MA), Visual & Verbal Communication in Instructional Design (MA), After-School/Summer-Camp: Video-Making, Game Programming, Music Making, Robotics, K-5 STEAM

🎬 Extracurriculars – School site tech support, FIRST LEGO League Robotics Coach, Skills

💼 Principals: 6

🌎 States taught: CA, FL, NV

🍎 Certified: Elementary Ed K-8 (CA & NV), Cross-Cultural Language Academic Development

👩🏻‍🎓 Highest degree: (Online) MA Educational Technology

As part of my recent job search I began putting together my teaching portfolio that touches on some of the highlights of the past 25 years(!). Click here to view the portfolio.

Teacher friends, share your stats!