Anyone who knows me, knows that I’ve been a space-nut, NASA-nerd my whole life. The program and landing is happening right now, during lunch and continuing during my 4th period robotics class, so you know that we’ll be watching the live stream. The following video is the 360 LIVE Stream from YouTube:

In honor of the landing I spent last night updating a LEGO model rover I began working on years ago and decide to make additions, in the spirit of “what would my mars rover look like?” Here are the images from the build:

After the build I took the following images and created an activity for my students to do tomorrow after watching today’s LIVE stream. We have a robotic engineering notebook (using Google Slides) and we had just finished putting information on our own bot into our notebook, showing the bot and it’s parts. So I decided to create a “My Mars Rover” assignment and have students create (mostly drawing) their own version of a Mars rover and point out all of the different parts. Makes my nerdy heart happy.