2022-11-14 Gratitude Journal: People I'm Grateful For
2022-11-14 Gratitude Journal: People I’m Grateful For

For the next couple weeks I will be posting the Gratitude Journal prompts that are being given to my students and my response post.

First people who pop into my mind when I think about who I’m grateful for are my folks. They were hard working people who also knew how to have a good time and cherished their relationships with family and friends. They fought for what they believed in. Any successes I’ve had in my life come from following their examples and values. All that said, my dad had a hard time understanding my choices in life (which, if I’m honest, is confusing to me too) and my mom never stopped giving advice. I miss them both, but know that they continue to live through me. 

1949 - sergeant and mrs. bustillos
1949 – sergeant and mrs. bustillos