1960s walnut creek: joyce, matt, joe, mich & kats smallest to tallest
1960s walnut creek: joyce, matt, joe, mich & kats smallest to tallest

Our ancestors discovered a long time ago that we needed to work together as families and communities to survive. Yesterday’s elections are one way that our country tries to work together. It’s definitely not a perfect process and can be a source of anxiety and frustration because things don’t seem to change. But it’s been my experience that real change (for the better) comes from working with those closest to you, finding a way to work past personal squabbles, to help others and our communities. Elections tend to focus on the big things going on somewhere else, when what tends to work are local people working on local issues. Is there a friend or family member, your age or older, whom you can look to when you need help or guidance? As a little kid and adult I’ve been lucky enough to have my sisters and brother to turn to when I’ve needed help. Who do you turn to?