2023-01-05 JBB's DRP - new thing
2023-01-05 JBB’s DRP – new thing

I looked at a few comments from students about how hard it was to get up and come into school on Tuesday (and then the computers/Internet wasn’t working!!). I think for me the one thing that I need to concentrate on is getting enough sleep during the week (and weekends). I just can’t expect to have a good day if I’m getting five or less hours of sleep each night (like last night).  So far I’ve gotten better at taking a nap when I get home from work for 30-minutes or so, but that’s still not going to cut it when I try to get away with five or less hours of sleep that night. Next thing would be to improve my diet from too much fast-food and it would probably be a good thing if I took a brisk walk before going to bed (but it’s too damn cold these days)… But for the moment, getting enough sleep would be a great first step towards having a more successful semester. 

How about you, what one thing can you do to make the new year better for you?

desk ZZZs
desk ZZZs