Spend the next five minutes following the video’s instructions. See if it can help you begin these last two weeks of the quarter strong and focused. Have a great day.

As we begin the last week to turn in work before the Quarter 3 grades I thought it’d be a good idea to take a moment to settle down and do five-minutes of meditation before beginning this week. Most of the class was respectful and stayed quiet during the video but quite a few were “busy” on their devices more of less tolerating this attempt at meditation. I did what I could to focus on my breathing while keeping my eyes open. Even with the best possible class, I would not recommend that a teacher sit down and close their eyes in meditation any more than I would recommend the same for a school bus driver navigating a busy street. There are just too many potential moving parts to let go of some command presence. I sometimes wish that it were possible, but just giving them the opportunity to center themselves and find their own focus was my intention.

I hope that you are able to begin your week focusing on the essential and seeing through all of the noise. 

Video Source: 5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation “Blue Balloon” with Guided Prompts and Music for Middle School by Danny Hauger, https://youtu.be/Z0Og50KyZWc