students working together
students working together

Welcome to Week 6. What is one thing you are going to do this week to make it better than last week.

Many of my students mentioned getting more sleep. I’m all for that. I also need to stay ahead of the grading game and not let days go by without providing feedback on student work. And somehow while balancing all of this I also need to find time to explore what I’m going to be doing career-wise after the end of this school year (in another 15-weeks!). And also I need to find the time to make my intention more official on the district Human Resources website. No pressure, Okay, time to post this and sign off for the day. Here we go Week 6. 

One thing that I got done over this last weekend was to build an IKEA shelf to make my hallway closet more useful. You have no idea how happy that has made me. I know, I am so lame but so happy.

2023-02-06 Hallway Closet IKEA Shelving
2023-02-06 Hallway Closet IKEA Shelving