2023-12-29 – Kamaole Park Beach. I guess it’s anathema to go to Hawaii and not get in the water. Everyone and their sister were adamant that I had to go snorkeling or some form of going swimming in the ocean. I enjoy hanging out at the beach, but as a kid I didn’t find it too much fun getting pounded by the waves. Nonetheless Dano was determined that I “get my feet wet” before leaving Hawaii (I guess walking through the puddles on the rocks didn’t count). So off to Kamaole Park we went on my last full day in Maui so that I could commune with the ocean. 

The weather was cloudy and windy, so not the best for frolicking in the waves. Turned out that the water was warmer than the weather… so I walked out up to my waist and got more than my feet wet. The water was too choppy and I wasn’t in an area where there would have been anything to look at, should I have put on the goggles and dunked my head. Anyway, level achieved, so after a few minutes I headed back to the shore to dry off. Having gotten more than my feet wet, it was now time to wet my whistle at Maui Brewing. [Click HERE for that story].

2023-12-29 – Maalaea Harbor. After enjoying our time at Maui Brewing we headed for Maalaea Harbor to visit Tony and Holly on their boat, the Celebration. So, I’m on a boat!

2023-12–29 – One Last Sunset in Maui. On the drive back to Napili I decided to record a video trying to capture one last sunset.

2023-12-29 The Drive back to Napili - searching for the sunset
2023-12-29 The Drive back to Napili – searching for the sunset

Click Here to Return To: 2023 Hawaiian Xmas Trip ||| Favorite Eats Part 2 ||| Day 16: Hidden Path to the Beach||| Travels

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