Just a brief note before i drop off. Bible study tonight (James chapter 3), ambitious people dinged (ouch), pure heart noted (right)… then someone was talking about the great men of revival, Charles Spurgeon, etc. And I was left to wonder what right do I have to foist my biblical musing onto an unsuspecting public as I plan to do with my blog? I don’t know. What’s going on here? I know that I can’t just sit and read my bible. I have to interact and write and reflect. It just seems like a natural outgrowth of this process to post these notes. I certainly do not believe that I am some sort of end-all/be-all in biblical study. On a very basic level I just want to share in this forum with the hopes that others like me, wondering, wanting to know, will be encouraged to have their own studies and thus gain something in their own lives. But somehow, I wonder if I’m the right vessel for this. I really don’t know. It’s something to continue to pray about…


Current Music: No Other Gods – Vineyard Music – Winds Of Worship 1