Welcome to Week 19. It’s the last full week of the school year. Let’s begin with a brief seven-minute imaginary trip to the beach to refresh our senses and strength so that we can finish the school year strong. What are you looking forward to this week?

It does seem to get harder and harder to stay focused as we near the end of the school year. The number of absences has jumped up a lot. Unfortunately, my intro to robotics course has two exams this week and the robotics 7-8 course has three exams. I would normally not want to have so much high value testing in the last week of school, but that’s the way the schedule worked out. This time next week (11:10) we are done for the school year (and my gig with CCSD). A trip to the beach would be nice… but I need to satisfy my desire for future employment before taking any real “time off.” At least that’s the plan. 

What are you looking forward to in the coming week?

Source: 7-Minute Guided Beach Meditation for Kids by BrightenUp! Kids, https://youtu.be/oeusbGFWPtY