Do you enjoy having a wireless connection to the Internet, or just wireless communication at all? Here’s a story about someone who came up with the algorithm that makes Wifi even possible. But her ideas had to wait a few decades because decision makers couldn’t grasp that this beautiful woman was much more than just a pretty face (AND probably a lot smart than they were). Do you feel like women should downplay their intelligence? (And WHY/WHY not)

The answer is “No!” If someone is intimidated by your intelligence, that’s on them. At the same time, let’s not point out confrontationally when someone doesn’t have all their “oars in the water.” Actual intelligence is a thing of beauty that one doesn’t have to say, “I’m intelligent” but should be evident in ones work or conversations. As with many things, the gift of ones gender should not dictate the paths or opportunities of ones life. All of us should be afforded the opportunity to achieve our best selves, hopefully to help all of us and not be restricted to ethnic or gender stereotypes. 

It seems less obvious at the moment, but the stereotypes still persist. Would you be more comfortable with a male President of the United States than a female? Do you really think that women are worse drivers than men, or that women couldn’t handle high pressure situations like military command positions or Fortune 100 CEO positions? Really, what does ones gender presentation have to do with intelligence or career capability? If a woman is big enough and fast enough should they be in the NFL? I know I wouldn’t stand a chance, but why not? If there are weight and height classes in sports like wrestling or boxing, why not apply the same process to all sports? Yeah, I said it… if it should apply to the sciences and commercial worlds, why not the sports worlds…. Just organize it like you would boxing or wrestling. Why not? Heck, if there were a league for short, less than 200 lbs., 60-something former football players I might put some pads on…. Just kidding, last thing I need is a full speed collision with a highly motivated retired librarian (or cop) of any gender. 

Would you like to see the actual best athletes, regardless of gender, compete? Or how about the most qualified scientists and thinkers lead our companies and countries? 

Source: Untold History, Hedy Lamarr: Mother of WiFi,