“Our lives improve only when we take chances — and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.” Walter Anderson (thanks Jen & George)

So I got a major smack-down for my last few relationship-moaning entries. Admittedly there’s nothing attractive about whining, all the more unattractive would be whining online. My bad… Word to the wise, those hoping to stay off the radar post-divorce, it’s probably not wise to date a writer with an online blog. No one likes seeing their shit “in print.” Apparently I haven’t learned my lesson that even though I’m mostly trying to work through my own feelings, etc., the other person in the scenario is going to read it as chicken-shit whiny or worse as a passive-aggressive character attack. Shit. Undoubtedly it’s not enough to “explain” that the blog is neither history nor meant to send a passive-aggressive character-attack message. I’m just a writer trying to figure things out. Of course, the joke was that no one reads the damn blog anyway. So much ado about nothing? Not to the person whom I write about…. Fuck. What’s a writer to do? I guess I need more of a life. Or maybe I need to get all mental about world issues or get all geeky about some technology toy? Wait a minute, I do that already. Screw it, I’m a writer, this is what I do. Besides I’ve already confessed that when I’m happy or content that I’m less likely to write about my personal life (which isn’t so great in that this tendency distorts a reader into thinking that my personal life is all about being unhappy or lonely… ack).

So, this is a general apology to all those whom I’ve flamed in the past and will probably continue to ponder about in the future. You’re more than welcome to flame me in the comments section of this blog or start your own (though my non-writer friends aren’t too likely to waste their precious time with a stupid blog, blah, blah, blah). Hey, what can I say…

“Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one.” A.J. LIEBLING


GBTV #0092 | GeekBrief.TV from the album “GeekBrief.TV | Video Podcast (iPod)” by Cali Lewis