pcs talking I’m sitting here watching files fly between computers, while others disappear off of my server. TRANSLATION: I’m backing up or copying my iTunes library of songs from my G4 to my PC, partly because I need to erase the backed-up collection from my NAS (Network-Access Storage) so that I can continue to rip (copy) my DVD collection to the NAS. The PC has already crashed once because I tried to copy too many files at once (or it was time for the PC’s afternoon break…, you know how unions can be). I don’t know what it is, but there’s something soothing about watching a little blue meter creep across the screen and get bigger and bigger as the computer gets closer to completing its task. The jury duty that I’d been on for the past week concluded this morning, shortly before 11, so I went to the gym, caught up on a bunch of video podcasts while walking my 5K and now I’m doing a little digital housekeeping. Oops, the little blue line is done, so I need to give it some more files to copy. These digital drones can be so handy at times. JBB