I don’t know how I stumbled onto this video but it seem apropos considering that I just finished teaching my students about PowerPoint. More comments after the video. Enjoy…

So this guy has a horrible nightmare about everything that could possibly go wrong with a PowerPoint presentation. Actually most of what goes wrong would take some effort (I especially loved how the words came un-hinged and then fell from his screen). Then when he’s “awoken” from his nightmare his solution is to upgrade to the newest version of the program that killed him in the nightmare? How the hell is that supposed to fix things? The voice-over said that the one thing he needed to be better prepared was to have more time to prepare. As someone who has worked with technology for many, many years and done many multimedia presentations (and am most comfortable with it), if one is crunched for time the LAST THING one would do before an important presentation is upgrade ones presentation software. Put bluntly, if one is scared to death to do a multimedia presentation going from whatever version of PowerPoint to Office2007 is only going to make things much worse, not better. It ain’t the software, it’s the guy. Geez, what a bunch of idiots. “It’s a new day. It’s a new office” my ass! JBB