It was true in 1996, it’s true today. You can never be rich enough, thin enough or have enough computing power. From Leo Laporte‘s blog, The Life of Leo, this little video gem made in 1996, Leo tells then student-filmmaker, Aaron Lubarsky that he he needs to be comfortable with whatever computing-device he buys because in three-years it’ll be ridiculously out of date, and in ten-years PDAs will have more power than the desktops, and then three-years after that they’ll be even more powerful and even smaller. He pretty much hit that prediction, only thing is manufacturers are pumping out upgrades more like every nine-months to a year and not three years.

I loved the part with the homeless guy leaning on a computer with the sign, “Will work for computer parts.” I pray that’s not a future vision of moi. Yikes. jbb