Beginning 2008 where I left off in 2007, writing my blog, this time taking a brief look back at ’07. On a recent Tech Guy radio show, Leo Laporte, mentioned how tech was becoming more and more mainstream with quotes from a New York Times article on buzzwords used in 2007. I recognize all of the buzzwords, but I really wonder how many of these words were used by my less-geeky siblings, for example. How many of these terms do you know or have used?


Buzz Words from the New York Times:

* Bacn – like Spam, but it’s stuff you’ve chosen to receive. Like updates from United Airlines, Offers…etc
* Crowd Source – When your too cheap to pay to get something done, you get friends and extended Internet network to help out
* Email Bankruptcy – Once a year on your birthday, delete everything in your inbox, and tell people to send mail again if it’s important.
* FTW – “For The Win”
* Lifecastfunny-pictures-soldier-and-cat is a continuous video stream of you. Unlike the previous generation of folks posting their videos on the web, most of these folks have strapped webcams to their hats (or heads) and do their continuous streaming even when they’re away from their laptops. Justin from was featured on several of the network morning news shows. Three folks I tend to follow are iJustine, Chris Pirillo and Cali Lewis.
* LOLCats – pictures of cats with cute captions in bad grammer “I can haz cheezbuger”

Click here for the complete text of the NYT article

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