My Twitter Version of the Week:

  • filled out “leave of absence” form, Acrobat being slow and a pain in the a#$, adding to the anxiety. Ain’t life grand. # 2008-03-03
  • “request for leave of absence” form turned in. Now I have to find a way to concentrate so that I can get all the things in front of me done # 2008-03-03
  • I have three computers that won’t let students login; i don’ t have time for this crap # 2008-03-04
  • correction: i have 7 computers down, three have been down since dec., the other 4 went down while I was gone. ack. this i will not miss # 2008-03-04
  • Monday AM I was filling out a leave of absence form, yesterday help tkts for 7 ill computers, today sub plans ’cause I have a cold. Ugh # 2008-03-05
  • and now my Internet connection seems to be down. Argh! # 2008-03-05
  • @girlgeek77 ILC? Zero play as far as I can see. But then right now I’m standing in front of border ’cause my DSL is down. Going back 2 sleep # 2008-03-05
  • this sucks. Fell asleep early last nite sniffles & runny nose. Woke up early 2 post sub plans. DSL down. How am I supposed finish my grades? # 2008-03-05
  • DSL back up. What the hell was that? Still sniffly, but at least I can now do grades w/o endangering the public @ Border’s. Yea! [sniffle] # 2008-03-05
  • man, 2day’s staff meeting was u-g-l-y, district needs 2 layoff 10% or 470 teachers but they’re holding off, choicing 2 cut other services # 2008-03-06
  • @akamrt a few of us joked l8r that it’s more like the radio is out, air-conditioner just died & 1 of the front tires is making a funny noise # 2008-03-07
  • highlight of the day: one of my students gave me a peep. Pure sugar delight. It was all downhill from there (except seeing iPhone sdk video) # 2008-03-07

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Music/Podcast: CNET Live: March 6, 2008 from the album “CNET Live from CNET TV” by