I decided to bring along the OLPC on this trip and try to use it again after previous connection failures (I still haven’t gotten the WPA upgrade to work… ack). The keyboard is a tad too small for true touch typing and a bit mushy too. If I had a kid with the slightest interest in tech I’d cut him loose on this thing and no doubt be amazed by the things he/she would do in less than a day.

But I’m a bit stuck in the world of writing, posting to my blog(s) and posting pretty pictures. And I’m just having a damn time keeping this thing on my lap while I type. I saw the ASUS EEE PC just after my first experiments with my OLPC and wondered if I had back invested in the right mini-laptop camp. But that was just a surface observation based on assuming that the EEE PC had a more conventional desktop/User Interface. But tech journalists seem to think that the EEE PC suffers from the same ‘too small” keyboard syndrome. I guess we all wish that we could afford the sexy “normal” keyboard-enabled MacBook Air. Damn. jbb

Music: Re Your Brains from the album “Thing a Week III” by Jonathan Coulton