OVERWORK Tech-buddy, Greg text-messaged me today complaining that our favorite podcast empire, TWIT, is all about the toys and business of tech but has nothing in the education space. I offered my usual snotty response: “Well, ED tends to act like a walled garden, I’m probably the only one I know to twitter DURING class.” To put it more clearly, we can complain about there being no education voice (so far), but the truth is that I’m the only one in my circle of “real world” friends and family who does any of this stuff. I mean, my four siblings are all college graduates, intelligent folks, but I’m the only one with a blog or who listens to podcasts and twitters. Going one step bigger, of the forty staff members teaching or working at my middle school I’m pretty sure that I’m the only one who does any of this stuff. I know that the boss has a website, because he’s a home-studio musician and wants to share his stuff and there are maybe four other teachers with MySpace accounts. But again, I don’t know anyone else has an ongoing web-presence, except a few of my Pepperdine techies and a few of my students. So it doesn’t surprise me that all the podcasts are about tech or tech related things and there are few ed-related ones on the “A” list. The ED-audience will come. I think it’d just be cool if I saw my brother or some other friends random musings on Twitter.

To that end, I just saw this video on Cali LewisGeek Brief podcasts and she said that when she showed it to some family members they suddenly understood it and started to Twitter. If only …. The following is from the folks at the CommonCraft show at www.commoncraft.com.

BTW, I’m jbb on twitter and you can catch my little 140 character witticisms at http://twitter.com/jbb

Sheryl Crow - Sheryl Crow and Friends - Live from Central Park - If It Makes You Happy Music: If It Makes You Happy (Featuring Chrissie Hynde) from the album “Live From Central Park” by Sheryl Crow

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