Back in December, in an effort to Simplify, I reduced my computer set-up to two computers and created two “new” PCs from the remaining parts, one for Juls and one for my son. Well, “remaining” isn’t quite right, ’cause I still had cases, motherboards and various bits for four PCs and one Mac G4. So tonight, as I pack up the gear that’s going to go with me to Florida I took three of the PCs and brought them down to the basement table that is used to give away stuff. After I plopped down the dusty silent boxes and walked back to the elevator I realized that I was breaking up a “family” that has been with me for 12-years (I bought the Compaq Pentium computer in 1995 when I first started teaching!)… sigh… jbb

Music/Podcast: TWiT 143: Rasberry Crazy Ants from the album “this WEEK in TECH – MP3 Edition” by Leo Laporte and the TWiTs

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05-23 The Next Morning (7:41)
Less than 8-hours later and someone has already opened up two of the Abandoned PCs exposing their antiquated guts. I had to fight the urge to rescue my former companions. Sigh… jbb
05-23 The Next Morning

22-Hours Later…

Returning home from work (& in-n-out) and the PCs are no where to be found. The “Christianity Today” and “Leadership Journal” magazines I also left are spread all over the table but there isn’t so much as an abandoned screw left behind. I hope they found good homes. [sniffle] jbb
05-23 22-Hours Later