Picture 2 I love my FrontRow app. FrontRow is an application that comes free with every Mac that uses the simple Apple remote and dead simple interface to view ones TV shows, movies, view photos and listen to music or podcasts. I’ve long lamented that the ones who might most benefit from such a simple and powerful interface (like my folks) probably never will. Well, not being one to rest on previous working discoveries, I heard that someone had ported the X-Box media center to run on Macs, PCs and Linux called XBMC. I’ve been meaning to experiment with it on my Mac Mini for some time now. Well, a new Web 2.0 twist on the app called Boxee has just been released as an Alpha. I’ve just downloaded it and can hardly wait to test it out at home on the Mac Mini. Check out the preview by Veronica Belmont on Tekzilla. enjoy, jbb