Long Beach studio circa 1999 - image by joe bustillos

Long Beach studio circa 1999 - image by joe bustillos

I’ve lived a great stretch of my adult life in one room studio apartments, so when I stepped up last year and moved to a one-bedroom apartment I didn’t think twice about putting my home office in my bedroom. The novelty was having the option to have a front room for entertaining. Of course I then discovered that I needed to buy a second TV for the bedroom because I like working with the TV going. No surprise there. So I just assumed that I was now going to have to buy a third TV as i tried to visualize how things were going to be when I moved to the two-bedroom townhouse. But as I prepped for the move I discovered something unexpected that made me change my mind about TV #3.

So I packed books and everything in the bedroom and started taking apart my home office, disconnecting all the monitors (three) and gadgets. I decide to set up a temporary office on the dining table in the front room with one external monitor, keyboard and mouse. When I went to bed that first night in the office-less bedroom I was really surprised at how dark that room was. I had to turn on a nightstand light to safely navigate the room. Next surprise was how soundly I seemed to sleep that night. Duh.

This isn’t rocket science, I’d been sleeping in rooms bathed in the continual glow of blue, red and green LEDs, and four monitors showing an earth in space screen saver for as long as I could remember. Of course once I took my glasses off it was all an undefinable glow, but I guess the glow was enough for my brain to not fully “shut off” when I slept. The difference in my sleep before and after removing the office was remarkable. It was remarkable enough that I decided that I was going to forego the bedroom TV or other technology when I move to the townhouse.

student2I know for many this a “duh” thing, but for me this really is a change in thinking. For years I’ve maintained no difference between my working life writing on the computer while watching some TV and pushing up to and past the point of exhaustion and then just staggering to bed my head still very full of the things I’d been working on. Now I am going to have to be much more deliberate and intentional as I get up from my office chair and walk down the hall to go to sleep. Hell, maybe I’ll develop the habit of doing some reading or talking to late night friends before drifting off to slumberland. A technology-free zone was not something I would have guessed would have come out of this move. Wow.