2017-04-17 Las Vegas NV. When I was looking at tech-upgrades, I remembered the Ricoh Theta 360 camera that I’d heard about way back in 2014 when a NASA Social buddy brought one to the launch of the Orion EFT-1. Here’s my first experiments with the camera. Interestingly, it seems to be easier to share the 360-video than the 360-image. Actually since the 2014 NASA Social I’ve been using an iOS called 360 Panorama (from Occipital) to capture stills, but posting the images has always been a bit of a pain. So, I find it a little funny that posting the video version seems to be a bit easier than the still version (the video version via Youtube and the still version via Facebook). Yay, technology. Here’s a link to the 360 still.

2022-06-28. Sadly, since I wrote this post the iOS app, 360 Panorama from Occipital, has been removed from the market and is no longer available. Ack. I played with the Ricoh Theta camera over the years, but sharing images or editing the videos was still enough of a pain that I’d rather just use my iPhone and do a “panorama” than use the Theta. Oh well…

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