YouTube Copyright Complaint, Again!

I’m getting really tired of this. I spent basically two-days putting the last episode of JBB’s Final Thoughts (video podcast) together (1 day to write and record the main monologue and 1 day to gather b-roll and edit) and I didn’t finish and upload it to YouTube until almost 6AM. Then I got notice almost immediately that my episode was being blocked because I used 30-seconds of a Beatles’ performance on the Ed Sullivan show as b-roll with me talking over the music and the music being barely audible under my commentary. Ugh.

2019-07-21 YouTube - Video Blocked Ed Sullivan claim

2019-07-21 YouTube – Video Blocked Ed Sullivan claim

I think I could have said that this episode should have fallen under “Fair Use,” but then I’d have to issue a counter-claim and who knows how long it would take for them to get back to me, yada-yada-yada… Needless to say, after all this work, this mostly auto-generated claim pissed me off and I went to bed.

When I got up I started looking for Creative Commons licensed Beatles images and then decided as I was downloading CC images of other peoples record collections that I could do the same with my own collection (plus a “Yellow Submarine” era action figure set of John, Paul, George & Ringo!). I understand the need to protect media-creation, but these copyright-bots really kill my own creative desire to tell my story, which happens to include a life-long love of all things “Beatles”… ugh. It’s funny, I could have originally gone with still images, but I specifically decided, I’m using video, why not use as much video in my b-roll to help illustrate the story. I don’t always find the perfect image, particularly because I’m using my own images or at least Creative Commons licensed images. Ugh. That was a lot of work/time that went up in smoke. Damn ‘em.


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