Video Fridays: Sharing Fridays & Virtual Show & Tell

Earlier in the week, one of my robotics students wanted to share one of his LEGO creations on-screen, which led me to share one of my LEGO creations. That got me thinking, we’re always in such a hurry, never enough time to get everything done. It can make it difficult to enjoy the journey. So I decided that today, Friday, we should enjoy our time and have a virtual show and tell of our Robot/LEGO stuff. This is what I posted for today’s assignment:

2019-11-17 Dancing EV3 & Marty
2019-11-17 Dancing EV3 & Marty

This is one of my robots named Marty (the blue one, next to the dancing LEGO EV3 robot). I’ve been working with robots and LEGOs for over five-years and I’ve had some fun putting them together, trying to figure out how to make them work and coming up with my own designs. I wouldn’t exactly call them my friends but they are fun to play with and record.

The other day someone shared a LEGO model they had made and modified and I thought after this long week of testing and adjusting to our new learning environment that it might be fun to share our own robot-related or LEGO-related creations. So I’ve posted some images of my own robots and a couple video clips of robot related stuff that has popped up in my social media feeds the past few days.

Your “job” today is to post in the discussion area at least one image of robot-related or LEGO-related things you’ve built. If you don’t have anything available to share you you are invited to find a robot-related image on the Internet and share that with a description of why you picked that image/robot. You can also post a link to a robot-related video that you want to share. Make sure to describe why you submitted your images and/or videos. Also, make sure to comment on the submissions of at least two classmates. Please remember, all images, video and comments must be appropriate for a school setting. Enjoy!

My Mars Rover: I saw a video of someone putting together a LEGO Mars Rover that isn’t available anymore (or is very expensive on eBay). So I spent a couple afternoons with a bunch of parts and watched the video carefully until I was able to come up with this version.

2019-02-15 LEGO Mars Rover MOD
2019-02-15 LEGO Mars Rover MOD

This first video is about a cute little robot on the BBC’s Graham Norton Talk Show (blogging note: I shared a slightly shorter version, edited out the whiskey reference…):

This video popped up in my feed of a Mars Rover that someone 3D printed:

Students shared several video… this one is a collection of “cute robots”: