For the next couple weeks I will be posting the Gratitude Journal prompts that are being given to my students and my response post.

So kids and money are kind of funny. It seems that money is a touchy subject (as my mom would say it should be), but it also seems like they have no concept of what anything really costs. Maybe that is also the way it should be for children. So, I don’t mean to be negative, but asking an eleven year-old what they would do for their school if they were given $10,000… well, I guess it’s not about what one could actually do with $10,000 but what would one want to do for their school (or community) if they suddenly had more money than they could imagine. 

I can imagine that a lot of kids would like for the food in the cafeteria to be something “more tasty,” or for there to be more snacks… all the time. Maybe more classrooms with computers already in them so that they wouldn’t have to carry around their Chromebooks. Personally, and $10K wouldn’t get this done, one of the biggest keys to making our schools “a better place” is that we need more teachers so that no class is over 30-students and no teacher is expected to give up their planning period to cover for the lack of teachers or substitutes. Want to make things better, you need more teachers so that students get more direct attention and instruction. Period. Alas, $10K won’t get it done. Happy Friday, y’all (17 more instructional days until Winter Break!)

Portrait of Mr. Bustillos by two of my robotics students (2022-10-14)
Portrait of Mr. Bustillos by two of my robotics students (2022-10-14)