Spend the next five minutes following this video’s instructions. Often we cannot control things in our environment, but we can in our minds. Take control and see where that leads you. Have a great week.

I live in a small one-room apartment for 13-years in Long Beach. You’d be amazed at how many times I rearranged the furniture in that small space to accommodate what I needed to do my work and make that place my home. At the time I felt like there was so little of my life outside of that place that I had real control over, so my small living quarters was how I coped and expressed myself. 

Maybe it came from growing up in a family of five kids where one didn’t have any personal space, but I recognized this need in myself and wanted to let it be a part of my first classrooms when I had the same students all day. A sense of “ownership” is an essential need if one is going to contribute to the needs of others or do creative work. Maybe that’s why I’ve mostly maintained my solo lifestyle for the majority of my life. Ones physical space should be a reflection of ones mental space and visa versa. 

I have my doubts that my students this morning got any of that… maybe some of this will be remembered years from now when they’re in a place to more actively assemble what kind of life and environment they want for themselves. Right now, they’re just riding the wave that’s carrying them forward. I hope that you can spend five-minutes and and imagine through meditate the world you want to be a part of.

  • 1999-07 long beach home office
  • 1999-07 long beach home office
  • 2008 Long Beach Office_Panorama2
  • 2008 Long Beach Office_Panorama3
  • 2006-01_21 long beach techie

Source: 5 Minute Mindfulness #3 Perfect Room, Nonstandard Rainbow, Acts of Kindness How To Guided Meditation by Danny Hauger, https://youtu.be/hYhCqXSeRe4