Student protests helped lead to a school board reversing a decision to ban hundreds of book by and about people of color. What policies to you think adult leaders are getting wrong that you think should change? What would you be willing to do to show that you’re serious about this?

Watching the report of student protests over banned books reminded me of the student protests I saw over the Vietnam War in the 1960s & 70s. There’s something about how teenagers embrace a cause and make it hugely important with all of their energy and passion. In 2018 I was very hopeful when I saw the student outrage following the Stoneman Douglas shootings in Florida and how quickly it grabbed national attention and seemed on the verge of influencing actual gun legislation… Sadly, it would seem that the public just as quickly lost interest and the gun lobby outlasted the public outrage. There are so many issues and causes that need our attention, but then what? 

The outcome of the book banning story is hopeful. And even though the protests connected to Stoneman/Douglas barely moved the needle, the truth is that if you don’t try and speak out, then nothing will change. Maybe it takes the energy and passion of young people to get things rolling, but the patience and determination of older people to see it through to fruition. 

Again, what issues do you feel need your voice to make or begin to make needed changes? What are you willing to do to contribute to the goal of change?

PBSnewshour-book ban-student protests
PBSnewshour-book ban-student protests

Source: PBS Newshour Student Reporting Labs,