This coming Sunday is Passover/Easter and the month of Ramadan will continue through April 21. April would seem to be an important month of the year for three major world religions. Does your family have any traditions connected to this time of year? Do you have any happy/funny memories connected to family traditions? Why do you feel like these kinds of traditions are important to keep?

The connection between the Spring harvest and symbolism for rebirth and fertility would seem to be pretty obvious. And given that these major religions came from a time when everything was based on an agricultural calendar, little wonder that Spring Harvest time is so important. But, when I think about my family’s history, I’m one generation removed from having to pay attention to the planting/harvest cycles.  So it’s prominence in my life would be based on the traditional school calendar and church calendar. And if I had been raised somewhere in Asia it would be a radically different calendar, but still connected to planting/harvesting cycles. 

1960s Walnut Creek Easter Sunday with Joyce, Joe, Matt, Mich, mom & Kathie
1960s Walnut Creek Easter Sunday with Joyce, Joe, Matt, Mich, mom & Kathie

When I think about some of the best times of my life it’s always connected with seasonal visits with family and friends and the saddest times were when I found myself going through “another” holiday season alone. So, maybe it’s not so much the actual holiday, but the regular getting together with friends and family that’s the important part. The holidays were excuses for getting together and celebrating something. I’m okay with that. 

What’s your holiday experiences like?