When you’ve spent decades of your life breaking every waking moment into 50-minute hunks of time, managing hundreds of moving parts and the disposition of dozens of emotionally activated proto-humans, suddenly finding oneself waking up to a world with no constraints, except for a doctor appointment here or there, can be more than a little intimidating. And believe me, summer break isn’t some kind of “retirement practice” because I would spend the first half of the break just recovering from the last school year (mostly sleeping or seeing movies I’d missed over the course of the past 10-months…) and then spend the second half of the break prepping for the next school year. So, except for the Summer of 2017 when I spent 31-days driving from one end of the U.S. to the other end and back and not prepping for the next school year, this business of waking up whenever I want and doing whatever I want is very foreign to me. 

So, really I am retiring from the teaching grind and am hoping to shift over to some form of media/writing/journalism work soon. But I could use some suggestions from my retired/semi-retired friends on how you manage your day? While I tend to get all “concerned” about the financial responsibilities, the truth is that time and how we spend it, is the most precious commodity. How do you spend or dole out your time? 

So, I got through the day, began to unpack my stuff from school and reconfigure my home setup. Bringing all of this stuff home really does inspire me to downsize and get rid of as much paper as possible. A lot of this is just stuff that I didn’t have the time or wasn’t a high enough priority during the school year. Now that that is over, I can do things like replacing the burned out lights in my bathroom and kitchen. Oh yeah, and look for my next job… 

I think I’m going to take the rest of the week off from writing JBB’s Daily Reflection Prompt. I have an eye doctor appointment Thursday morning and will probably want to stay away from bright screens for a bit. Hope y’all have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. I’ll post a Video Fridays post, but other than that catch you next week. 

Sometimes mug image posted by Gwen Williams
Sometimes mug image posted by Gwen Williams