For the month of November I’m participating in a daily gratitude challenge posted by the journaling app that I use, Day One, and here’s today’s prompt:

What is something I am grateful to have learned?

It took me a long time, but I’m grateful that I eventually learned that learning never really ends. Whatever the subject, from technology to writing to love, there’s always something to learn. I guess having an attitude open to learning is the point. That’s the universal life lesson. 

On a more personal level, I thought that life was supposed to lead to some single purpose, that there was one true goal that I was supposed to discover for my life, all of which probably came from my Catholic and then Evangelical Christian upbringing. For those who found and have lived their one true calling, that’s wonderful. But I have experienced so many “pivots” in my life, that I’ve come to find fulfillment wherever I’ve found myself planted. Maybe I’ve just been lucky that I have many callings in my life and whatever meaning there is, is what I can create from the experiences, things shared and things learned. Life does not seem to be one thing and it’s certainly not “one size fits all.” Enjoy your path and your learning along the way. 

2020-04-19 Wanna Ride?
2020-04-19 Wanna Ride?